В английском языке есть предложение, которое используют для демонстрации возможной лексической неопределённости: ‘James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher’. Несмотря на кажущуюся бессмыслицу, оно грамматически верно, если расставить нужные знаки препинания: ‘James, while John had had «had», had had «had had»; «had had» had had a better effect on the teacher’. Перевести его на русский язык можно примерно так: «В то время, как Джон использовал ‘had’, Джеймс использовал ‘had had’; учитель предпочёл ‘had had’».
Once William Thomson (Lord Calvin) had to cancel a lecture and wrote on the blackboard: "Professor Tomson will not meet his classes today ". The students decided to play a trick on the professor and erased the letter "c" in the word "classes". Next day, when Thomson saw the inscription, he did not become confused, and, having erased one more letter in the same word, left the classroom.
Верные слова не изящны, изящные слова не верны.