Самое высокое количество образованных людей проживает в Канаде. 50% жителей Канады обладают полным высшим образованием. За ней следуют Израиль (45%) и Япония (44%).
Belarusian Oppositionists are Enemies of People, Lukashenko
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on Thursday, September 16, speaking at the sixth congress of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, said that the Belarusian opposition leaders are the enemies of the people. "They are not the opposition at all. They are the enemies of the people. Wherever one can do worse for the state, they are there. Yesterday Europe, America pressed on us, and they were there. Today, Russia presses us, and they are already there", the Belarusian leader said.
The president attempted to refute the accusations of his political opponents that he tried to bribe the electorate by raising wages, AFN informs.
"We have done that 18 times over the last five years. So, be calm. It is the 19th time we do it. People do not think, that someone someone buys them", Alexander Lukashenko said.
"I do not want the presidency if people think that I make an advance to them," the president said.
Пример лингвистической амфиболии, соединенный на практике с бытовым алкоголизмом:
Приходит мужик домой, на ногах еле держится, жена открывает дверь, говорит.
— Ну что молчишь?! Скажи что-нибудь…
— Канализация!
— Чего?
— Канализация!
— Да ты вдохни глубоко и скажи внятно!
Он (глубоко вдыхая):
— Как нализался я!!!
Язык - душа нации. Язык - это есть живая плоть идеи, чувства, мысли.
А.Н. Толстой